One of the most common reasons that people visit the doctor is to address neck, arm, hip, or back discomfort. While there are many causes for pain in any of these areas of the body, there are typically a few main reasons that doctors can pinpoint as the culprits. Some of the most common causes include sitting all day for work, overuse of a particular muscle (common with athletes), auto accident injuries, and other poor health choices.

Thankfully, there are solutions to help ease your pain and discomfort and get you feeling your best over time. Many people aim to avoid the use of medications to manage pain, which is why massage therapy is such a popular, effective, and recommended form of treatment for muscle pain.

The health benefits of massage therapy don’t end at pain management, however. There are several other improvements that result from regular massage therapy, including:

Stress Relief:It’s no secret that massage therapy is an excellent way to relieve stress and muscle tension. As a masseuse works on your areas of discomfort, they are able to effectively improve your pain, loosen tight muscles, and decrease your stress hormones levels during treatment.

Reduced Muscle Pain and Tension: The sensation of tight muscles and tendons can linger long after exercise, injury, or a stressful event. With massage therapy, you will feel quick relief for your painful muscle tension thanks to a targeted, individualized approach.

Improved Sleep: Anxiety and tight muscles don’t exactly promote relaxation. Falling asleep and staying asleep while battling discomfort and high stress levels will most likely result in a decrease in quality of sleep. By relaxing with massage therapy, you’ll be on your way to achieving better sleep and restorative rest in no time.

Boosted Immune System: Keeping your body in tip-top shape involves nurturing a strong immune system. Massage therapy is an excellent natural way to boost your immune system thanks to its toxin-flushing and blood circulation results.

Injury Prevention: Tight muscles and limited range of motion can easily result in accidental injuries. With better blood flow from massage therapy, you can help prevent any injuries by fixing and protecting potential problem areas.

Chiropractic Physicians can help diagnose, treat, restore, and strengthen your body through our various massage therapy treatments. Our team of primary care providers can diagnose and provide treatment options that will have you on the path to feeling your best. Schedule your appointment with us today!