Back pain is one of the most common complaints reported by people of all ages. From a mild, dull ache to severe shooting pain, back pain is a condition that can negatively impact your quality of life. Even simple movements such as walking, getting up from the couch, and standing for an extended period of time can cause bothersome and painful symptoms. If your back pain is persistent and you feel the need to take NSAIDs for relief, it’s time to address the problem with effective, chiropractic-approved stretching. 


Here are four effective stretches for back pain relief that anyone can do at home: 


Child’s Pose


Child’s Pose is a beginner level yoga pose that promotes the proper stretching of the back, hips, thighs, and ankles. To attempt Child’s Pose yourself, start with your knees bent and placed gently on the ground, as wide as your yoga mat or as comfortably spread apart as possible. Then, slowly fold your body forward with your belly and head facing down. Once you are comfortably lowered with your forehead on the floor, stretch your arms forward and take long and slow deep breaths. If you find this pose to feel uncomfortable, modify it by keeping your knees together. 


Sphinx Stretch 


The Sphinx Stretch is an excellent pose for relieving lower back pain in a simple yet effective movement. Start by lying face down on a comfortable surface or yoga mat. Stretch your legs out side by side, then roll your outer thighs towards the floor with your toes pointed towards the wall. With your elbows directly under your shoulders, place your forearms parallel to the floor and gently draw your core up from the ground. Be sure to keep your tail straight not to let your lower back dip. Take a few deep breaths and lower yourself back to the floor. 


Bridge Pose


Depending on the severity of your back pain, you may want to modify the Bridge Pose with support on your lower back, such as a rolled towel or yoga block. Begin the Bridge Pose by lying on your back. If you choose to add support, place it directly between your lower back and the floor. Once in place, bend your knees with your feet planted firmly on the floor, and gently lift your pelvis off the ground. Hold this stretch for as long as you feel comfortable, then lower yourself gently back to the mat. 


Supine Twist 


The Supine Twist is great for back pain and aiding digestion, opening tight shoulders, and improving spinal mobility. Start by lying flat on your back with your arms extended in opposite directions. Then, bend one knee up and cross it over the opposite straight leg, causing a gentle twist of the spine. Make sure that you focus on breathing slowly through this move, and don’t push yourself if you start feeling uncomfortable.


At Chiropractic Physicians, our team of primary care providers delivers high-quality patient care through manual chiropractic therapies to restore health. Our providers can help diagnose, treat, restore, and strengthen your back to eliminate bothersome pain. We have many clinics conveniently scattered across the Puget Sound area, including clinics in Burien, Kent, Federal Way, and Tacoma. Schedule your appointment with us today to get relief from your back pain fast.