As we age, we experience various types of pain throughout our body that might not be directly related to a particular injury. One common area is Shoulder Pain which is often related closely to neck pain. Other than tension, it could be caused by injuries to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the shoulders. Until you can make an appointment with your Chiropractor Doctor here are some tips on what can help provide some relief for your shoulder pain.


First follow the RICE method by resting, icing, and compressing your shoulder.

Rest & Recovery 

Rest your shoulder for a few days without any strenuous activities to allow it time to recover. When possible, it’s best to rest with your shoulder elevated above heart level. An Epsom Salt bath might also be a great way to rest and relax. Slowly return to your regular activities, after approval from your doctor to do it safely.


Ice and Heat Therapy

When an injury is the cause of the pain, make sure that you ice your shoulder for at least 72 hours, or until the swelling has reduced. When ice the shoulder area, do it in intervals for 15 minutes, then leave it off for 15 minutes. Try to do your intervals 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 3 days. To protect your skin from frostbite make sure to wrap the ice in cloth. Tense or tight shoulders can become relieved by heat, but be cautious not to use heat on areas of swelling.


Stretching & Posture

Some basic range of motion might help alleviate some pain like stretching and posture. Doing small standing arm circles and gradually making them bigger is good for shoulder stiffness. Make sure to repeat 5 to 10 times during the day. If you have more pain, stop immediately. Posture should not be overlooked to help prevent shoulder pain. Some people with shoulder pain often lift up or hunch forward. One way to work on your posture is to stand against the wall with the back of your head, shoulders, legs, and heels. Keep trying the position throughout the day until your shoulder blade can touch the wall completely without pain.

Shoulder Strengthening Exercise

When your pain goes away, you can add some moderate upper body weight-lifting exercises at the approval of your doctor. You can try weight machines or free weights to improve your shoulder strength.


Schedule Your Appointment Today with your Chiropractic Doctor if you still have neck pain or shoulder pain. If you’ve been actively trying to improve your posture but are still feeling tense, it’s best to make an appointment for a chiropractic check-up. A chiropractic physician will be able to take an in-depth look at what is going on and potentially make some adjustments for your comfort. Chiropractic Physicians can help diagnose, treat, restore, and strengthen your body through our various massage therapy and chiropractic treatments. Now’s the time to put your health first; Schedule an appointment with one of our primary care providers in Burien, WA, Kent, WA, Federal Way, WA, or Tacoma, WA today!